15 things I learnt about becoming a parent for the first time..

Sorry I've been abit quiet again! I've been trying to spend as much time as possible with little man before I go back to work and I've been having lots of early nights because I feel abit drained at the moment! I think its because i'm waking up quite abit feeling anxious about lots of things but mostly leaving Albie. It's been a whole year so i think its quite normal to feel the way I am especially with me going back to work full time! I should take my own advice really and think of all the good things that will come from it. But anyway im trying not to think about that. I've done my post on going back to work so i wont bore you with all that again! 

This post is about what I've learnt  in the first year about becoming a parent. Its not negative what so ever and just what i learnt along the way. I'm sure all you mummies can relate to a few of them, these are just the things that stuck out for me the most! 

ps. The picture is Albie a day old. HOW is that nearly a year ago?!

1. The first month is hard and everything is a mess including your house but that's ok the cleaning can wait. You're getting to know this new little human you're going to care for for the rest of your life. Take your time it all comes together. All the people visiting to steal your baby for cuddles, get them to clean!

2. Baby blues is a thing - and it doesn't make you a bad mum. You feel tired, sad, moody and your not always sure why! You've got this new little baby to look after (without instructions) and its all very overwhelming. I think this is what makes some mums feel guilty if they have the blues because society expects you to be happy and over the moon you have just had a baby. I read somewhere that symptoms can last around 2 weeks after giving birth. I wish i spoke to someone about it now looking back but i know its not always that easy. 

3. Your relationship will probably be tested. 9 times out of 10 you'll come out stronger than before. Having a baby is a massive step its bound to put stress on you both. Patience is the key - which is easier said than done!

4. You don't need enough clothes to open your own baby shop. People will buy you clothes as much as you will buy your baby them. Dont buy too much before they arrive i bet they wont even wear half of it. 

5. Everyone's babies are different- what works for them might necessarily not work for you. Dont worry you'll work it out

6. Being a mum isn't a competition. The perfect parent doesn't exist. You'll see on social media people that have this "perfect" routine down, whose child was walking before they were 4 months old, talking at 2 weeks. I mean come on we all know Instagram isn't real life. Just enjoy your time and your babies milestones when they arrive. Use them posts to inspire you not compare. You'll be perfect in your own way.

7. You can never take too many pictures and videos. Post and share them wherever you like. The months absolutely fly by and you wont get them back so take all the pictures you can and save them somewhere safe.

8. You're entitled to nights out with your friends or with you partner WITHOUT the baby. Who cares if you go out most weekends? You spend time with your baby pretty much 24 hours a day, or if your at work every evening making them dinner, bathing them, playing and then again in the morning. I bet you dont even go out until they're in bed. Go out and enjoy some you time. The baby will be back and not even realised you left. Your allowed time off too. 

9. Going back to work doesn't mean you're forgetting your baby. You're just giving them the best life you can. Think of all the things you can do with the extra pennies! The time you get with them now will be more precious and you'll enjoy it so much. 

10. No more sleep, even if your baby is asleep you will probably still wake up to check why they arent awake! When you first get them home you just want to stare anyway. Trust me- SLEEP. Whoever even made the saying "slept like a baby" LIED, they dont sleep. 

11. You will basically be doing washing EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. If you dont the pile grows and grows until you can't control it. I learnt this the hard way. If you've got a dryer, you my friend are  living in luxury.

12. Your a human tissue now.. be prepared to be covered in food, sick, snot, pee and probably ALOT more. I'm sure you can guess what. and if you dont or never have been i think you're a liar - HA. 

13. Trust yourself - You will probably be super paranoid at the beginning and over think everything but that soon goes, it doesn't mean your doing a bad job. It just means you've found a way of looking after this little person that works for you. You know them now, what they like what they dont like, what cry means they're hungry or just want a hug. It takes time but you'll get there! 

14. You will never love as much as you do for your children and you will never be loved as much as they love you. the love for your children can be overwhelming. you might not feel that straight away but it doesn't mean anything. I certainly didn't get this rush of love i was more like WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED. Then it comes and its the best feeling in the world and you'll feel that forever. 

15. REMEMBER YOU'RE DOING A GREAT JOB! Don't ever doubt yourself. 


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